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Honored – Female Pioneers and Dreamers

Honored – Female Pioneers and Dreamers

A new exhibition opened at MadaTech on 09.03.15, International Women's day, honoring women who have contributed to Israeli society in various sectors, under the banner “Honored – Female Pioneers and Dreamers”.

The exhibition portrays brave women who were innovators in their field, inspiring the Israeli spirit; women representing various fields of occupation, showing extraordinary achievements and an enormous contribution to the Israeli society and culture.
Each women is presented from two different aspects, one is from their famous point of view and the other, a more private and personal aspect; each of them constitute an important stage in her life, setting the path to outstanding accomplishments.


Israeli women of different generations representing science, art, literature, law, theater, diplomacy, cinema, education and journalism are featured, all of them gained local and global recognition.
Among them is  the first lady of Hebrew theater Hanna Rovina; award-winning biochemist Prof. Ruth Arnon, who co-developed multiple sclerosis drug Copaxone; sole female prime minister to date Golda Meir; poet and author Leah Goldberg; and “first lady of Israeli song and poetry” Naomi Shemer, sole female supreme court president to date Judge Dorit Beinish, the brave paratrooper Hanna Senesh, Henrietta Sold, Didi Ross, Rivka Ziv, Rachel Yanait Ben Zvi, Politician Shulamit Aloni, Ruth Dayan, Gila Almagor, Pini Litersdorff, Noa Eshkol, Yael Arad, Orly Vilnai, Michal Nagarin, Edna Mazya, Maya Negri, Jasmine Guder and many more.


The exhibition will be closed from 17.03.15 to 12.04.15
Entrance to the exhibition is upon registration at Madatech's Cashier.
The exhibition was initiated by and premiered at the Herzlillinblum Museum in Tel Aviv.